Kaupunkiatlas (Urban Atlas)
Data and Resources
This dataset has no data
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | Pebrero 21, 2025, 04:30 (UTC) |
Created | Marso 1, 2024, 13:31 (UTC) |
access-constraints | ["no limitations"] |
bbox-east-long | 31.60 |
bbox-north-lat | 70.10 |
bbox-south-lat | 59.40 |
bbox-west-long | 19.00 |
contact-email | gistuki@syke.fi |
coupled-resource | [] |
dataset-language | ["fin"] |
dataset-reference-date | [{"type": "revision", "value": "2018-09-11"}] |
dataset-updated | 2018-09-11 |
equivalent-scale | ["10000"] |
frequency-of-update | |
graphic-preview-file | ["https://geoportal.ymparisto.fi/meta/julkinen/kuvat/Kaupunkiatlas_UrbanAtlas_2012.gif"] |
guid | {45500867-A6EB-4E8B-A72F-A2126E657871} |
harvest_object_id | 7b371237-4cb6-4669-9984-3ef967440df6 |
harvest_source_id | 51ec690b-f70a-45e5-a201-7baddbeaff86 |
harvest_source_title | ckan-syke |
keywords | [{"type": "", "thesaurus": "GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0", "keyword": ["Land use"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.3", "keyword": ["land use", "land use classification", "urban area"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "SYKE resource classification", "keyword": ["Paikkatietoaineisto"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "", "keyword": ["Ei-Inspire"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "", "keyword": ["FEO"]}] |
licence | [] |
lineage | Paikalliset erityisaineistot on tuottanut Euroopan ympäristövirasto EEA. Niiden tuotannossa on käytetty mm. erittäin korkean resoluution satelliittikuvia (VHR) vuosilta 2011-2013 sekä kuvien tulkintaa tukevia tausta-aineistoja (mm. Google Earth, kaupunkikartat). Aineistot on arvioitu Sykessä keväällä 2018 ja linkki verifiointiprosessin raporttiin löytyy kohdasta Lisätietoja. Raportissa kerrotaan tarkemmin aineiston puutteista ja rajoitteista, jotka tulee ottaa huomioon aineistoa käytettäessä. Lisätietoa -kohdasta löytyy myös linkki EEA:n dokumenttiin, joissa kerrotaan aineiston tuotantoprosessista sekä luokittelusta. data\copernicusland\localcomponent\LocalComponent2012.gdb |
metadata-date | 2025-02-20 |
metadata-language | fin |
metadata-responsible-party | [{"name": "Suomen ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6keskus", "roles": ["pointOfContact"], "email": "gistuki@syke.fi"}] |
metadata-responsible-party-email | gistuki@syke.fi |
metadata-responsible-party-title | Suomen ympäristökeskus |
original_url | https://ckan.ymparisto.fi//dataset/{45500867-A6EB-4E8B-A72F-A2126E657871} |
progress | |
resource-type | dataset |
responsible-party | [{"name": "Suomen ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6keskus", "roles": ["pointOfContact"], "email": "gistuki@syke.fi"}] |
responsible-party-email | gistuki@syke.fi |
responsible-party-title | Suomen ympäristökeskus |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[19.0, 59.4], [31.6, 59.4], [31.6, 70.1], [19.0, 70.1], [19.0, 59.4]]]} |
spatial-data-service-type | |
spatial-reference-system | ["EPSG:3067"] |
spatial-representation-type | ["vector"] |
spatial_harvester | true |
temporal-extent-begin | unknown |
temporal-extent-end | unknown |
topic-category | ["imageryBaseMapsEarthCover"] |
unique-resource-identifier | |
use_constraints | ["Access to data is based on a principle of full, open and free access as established by the Copernicus data and information policy Regulation (EU) No 1159/2013 of 12 July 2013. This regulation establishes registration and licensing conditions for GMES/Copernicus users and can be found here: HTTP://EUR-LEX.EUROPA.EU/LEGAL-CONTENT/EN/TXT/?URI=CELEX%3A32013R1159 Free, full and open access to this data set is made on the conditions that: 1. When distributing or communicating Copernicus dedicated data and Copernicus service information to the public, users shall inform the public of the source of that data and information. 2. Users shall make sure not to convey the impression to the public that the user's activities are officially endorsed by the Union. 3. Where that data or information has been adapted or modified, the user shall clearly state this. 4. The data remain the sole property of the European Union.\n\nL\u00e4hde: Syke, EEA"] |
use_constraints_plaintext | Access to data is based on a principle of full, open and free access as established by the Copernicus data and information policy Regulation (EU) No 1159/2013 of 12 July 2013. This regulation establishes registration and licensing conditions for GMES/Copernicus users and can be found here: HTTP://EUR-LEX.EUROPA.EU/LEGAL-CONTENT/EN/TXT/?URI=CELEX%3A32013R1159 Free, full and open access to this data set is made on the conditions that: 1. When distributing or communicating Copernicus dedicated data and Copernicus service information to the public, users shall inform the public of the source of that data and information. 2. Users shall make sure not to convey the impression to the public that the user's activities are officially endorsed by the Union. 3. Where that data or information has been adapted or modified, the user shall clearly state this. 4. The data remain the sole property of the European Union. Lähde: Syke, EEA |