Sentinel-2 satelliittikuvamosaiikki (S2GM) 2017-2021, väärävärimosaiikit

Sentinel-2 satelliittikuvamosaiikit perustuvat Sentinel-2A/2B satelliittien MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) kuvausinstrumenttien ottamiin kuviin. Mosaiikit tuotetaan Sentinel-2 Global Mosaic palvelulla ( joka on osa Euroopan Unionin Copernicus ohjelmaa. Mosaiikin kuvapikselin arvo on maanpinnan heijastussuhteen estimaatti, kerrottuna kertoimella 10000. Kaikkien kanavien pikselikoko on 10 metriä, eli 20 metrin kanavat on uudelleennäytteistetty 10 metrin pikselikokoon. Tarkemmat tiedot MSI-instrumentin kanavista löytyvät osoitteesta Metatietomosaiikkia, eli mosaiikki joka kertoisi pikseleiden kuvaushetket, ei tuoteta tällä hetkellä. RGB-mosaiikit ovat vääräväriyhdistelmiä, kuvan kanavat ovat Kanava 8, lähi-infrapuna (832.8 nm) Kanava 4, punainen (664.6 nm) Kanava 3, vihreä (559.8 nm) (suluissa kanavan keskikohdan aallonpituus)

Nämä mosaiikit on skaalattu 8-bittisiksi lukualueelle 0-255. Jaettavat vuosimosaiikit: pta_sjp_s2gm_b080403_20170701_20170930_8bit.tif pta_sjp_s2gm_b080403_20180701_20180930_8bit.tif pta_sjp_s2gm_b080403_20190701_20190930_8bit.tif pta_sjp_s2gm_b080403_20200701_20200930_8bit.tif pta_sjp_s2gm_b080403_20210701_20210930_8bit.tif

Lähtöaineiston käyttöoikeudet: Lisätietoja kanavittaisista mosaiikeista: -- Sentinel-2 satellite image (S2GM) 2018-2021 false color mosaics

Sentinel-2 satellite image mosaics are produced from data provided by MultiSpectral Instruments (MSI) onboard Sentinel-2A and -2B satellites. These mosaics have been produced using Sentinel-2 Global Mosaic-service ( of Copernicus program of European Union. The value of pixel is the estimate of ground reflectance, multiplied by coefficient 10000. Mosaics contain following bands with central wavelength of bands; The pixel size of all bands is 10 meters, in other words the 20 meter bands have been resampled to 10 meter pixel. The more detailed information about the bands can be found from Currently, there are no metadata image describing the acquisition date of selected pixel. RGB-mosaics are in false color combination, in other words band combination is 1: Band 8, Near infra-red (832.8 nm) 2: Band 4, Red (664.6 nm) 3: Band 3, Green (559.8 nm) (central wavelength of bands)

These mosaics are scaled to 8-bit numbers (0-255). Available yearly mosaics: pta_sjp_s2gm_b080403_20170701_20170930_8bit.tif pta_sjp_s2gm_b080403_20180701_20180930_8bit.tif pta_sjp_s2gm_b080403_20190701_20190930_8bit.tif pta_sjp_s2gm_b080403_20200701_20200930_8bit.tif pta_sjp_s2gm_b080403_20210701_20210930_8bit.tif

Terms of use (original data): More information

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated मार्च 1, 2024, 13:32 (UTC)
Created मार्च 1, 2024, 13:32 (UTC)
access-constraints ["no limitations"]
bbox-east-long 180.00
bbox-north-lat 90.00
bbox-south-lat -90.00
bbox-west-long -180.00
coupled-resource []
dataset-language ["eng"]
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2022-05-03"}]
dataset-updated 2022-05-03
equivalent-scale []
graphic-preview-file []
guid {D3C045DA-60E9-436F-ADB4-00FF23D5A32B}
harvest_object_id 5166143f-7df4-45e8-9683-5c848ef4c314
harvest_source_id 51ec690b-f70a-45e5-a201-7baddbeaff86
harvest_source_title ckan-syke
keywords [{"type": "", "thesaurus": "GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0", "keyword": ["Orthoimagery"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.3", "keyword": ["satellite image", "remote sensing"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "SYKE resource classification", "keyword": ["Satelliittihavaintotieto"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "", "keyword": ["Ei-Inspire", "FEO"]}]
licence []
lineage Sentinel-2 Global Mosaic palvelun osat ( ovat: Valitun alueen ja ajanjakson Sentinel-2 kuvien valinta. Kuvien ilmakehäkorjaus Sen2cor-algoritmilla. Mosaiikin pikselin arvoksi valitaan ajanjakson kuvien pikseleitä se joka poikkeaa vähiten muista. Tiilittäisen mosaiikin tuottaminen valituilla kanavilla, pikselikoolla ja koordinaattijärjestelmällä. Tiilittäiset mosaiikit ladataan paikalliselle tietokoneelle jolla tehdään jälkiprosessointivaihe, eli tiilet yhdistetään kanavittaisiksi mosaiikeiksi, aukot täytetään naapuruston avulla ja tehdään koordinaattimuunnos suomalaiseen koordinaatistoon (TM35Fin, EPSG 3067). Tarkempia tietoja Sentinel-2 Global Mosaic-palvelusta löytyy osoitteesta Sijaintihakemisto ..\feokk\distribution\Sentinel2_GlobalMosaic -- Sentinel-2 satellite image mosaics are produced from data provided by MultiSpectral Instruments (MSI) onboard Sentinel-2A and -2B satellites. These mosaics have been produced using Sentinel-2 Global Mosaic-service ( of Copernicus program of European Union. The value of pixel is the estimate of ground reflectance, multiplied by coefficient 10000. Processing (lineage) Steps of mosaicking process ( at Sentinel-2 Global Mosaic service are: Selection of Sentinel-2 images of chosen area of interest and time period. Atmospheric correction of images using Sen2cor-algorithm. Selection of the least different pixel of time period from a set of good pixels. Production of output mosaic with chosen bands, pixel size and coordinate system. Tilewise mosaics are downloaded to local computer, where post-processing phase consists of merging of tiles to form bandwise mosaics, filling of gaps using neighboring values and coordinate transform to Finnish coordinate system TM35Fin (EPSG 3067). More detailed information about the Sentinel-2 Global Mosaic service is available at Location ..\feokk\distribution\Sentinel2_GlobalMosaic
metadata-date 2022-05-20
metadata-language fin
metadata-responsible-party [{"name": "Suomen ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6keskus", "roles": ["pointOfContact"], "email": ""}]
metadata-responsible-party-title Suomen ympäristökeskus
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Suomen ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6keskus", "roles": ["pointOfContact"], "email": ""}]
responsible-party-title Suomen ympäristökeskus
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-180.0, -90.0], [180.0, -90.0], [180.0, 90.0], [-180.0, 90.0], [-180.0, -90.0]]]}
spatial-reference-system ["EPSG:3067"]
spatial-representation-type ["grid"]
spatial_harvester true
topic-category ["imageryBaseMapsEarthCover"]
use_constraints ["Sentinel-2 mosaic processing by Sentinel-2 Global Mosaic Service (part of Copernicus Program of European Union, Terms of use: Mosaic postprocessing by Syke. Creative Commons Nime\u00e4 4.0 Kansainv\u00e4linen"]
use_constraints_plaintext Sentinel-2 mosaic processing by Sentinel-2 Global Mosaic Service (part of Copernicus Program of European Union, Terms of use: Mosaic postprocessing by Syke. Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen