Last Updated |
Pebrero 8, 2025, 04:31 (UTC)
Created |
Marso 1, 2024, 13:32 (UTC)
access-constraints |
["Public access to spatial data sets and services would adversely affect the protection of the environment to which such information relates, such as the location of rare species."] |
bbox-east-long |
27.940924 |
bbox-north-lat |
65.822629 |
bbox-south-lat |
59.430502 |
bbox-west-long |
17.879231 |
contact-email | |
coupled-resource |
[] |
dataset-language |
["fin"] |
dataset-reference-date |
[{"type": "publication", "value": "2016-08-30"}, {"type": "revision", "value": "2019-05-27"}] |
dataset-updated |
2019-05-27 |
equivalent-scale |
["10000", "4000000"] |
frequency-of-update |
graphic-preview-file |
[] |
guid |
{E0001193-53A2-4CA3-B849-753621E51A69} |
harvest_object_id |
96dfa0c8-10a5-45c0-a236-46600e2947f7 |
harvest_source_id |
51ec690b-f70a-45e5-a201-7baddbeaff86 |
harvest_source_title |
ckan-syke |
keywords |
[{"type": "", "thesaurus": "GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0", "keyword": ["Sea regions"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.3", "keyword": ["biogeographical region", "marine environment"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "SYKE resource classification", "keyword": ["Paikkatietoaineisto"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "", "keyword": ["Ei-Inspire", "it\", "Meriluonto ja lajisto", "FEO", "Velmu"]}] |
licence |
[] |
lineage |
Tarkemmat tiedot luokituksesta on saatavilla HUB –luokituksen teknisestä raportista (HELCOM BSEP139): *Ryhmät Emergent vegetation (A), Submerged rooted plants (B), Perennial algae (C), Aquatic moss (D), Epibenthic bivalves (E), Epibenthic cnidarians (G), Epibenthic crustaceans (I), Epibenthic sponges (J), Infaunal bivalves (L), Infaunal insect larvae (P), Stable aggregations of unattached perennial vegetation (Q), Soft crustose algae (R), Annual algae (S), Sparse epibenthic communities (T), No macrocommunity (U), Mixed epibenthic macrocommunity (V), Microphytobenthic organisms and grazing snails (W) on yhdistetty HUB tasolle 5.
Detailed information of the classification can be found from the technical report of HUB classification (HELCOM BSEP139): *Species groups Emergent vegetation (A), Submerged rooted plants (B), Perennial algae (C), Aquatic moss (D), Epibenthic bivalves (E), Epibenthic cnidarians (G), Epibenthic crustaceans (I), Epibenthic sponges (J), Infaunal bivalves (L), Infaunal insect larvae (P), Stable aggregations of unattached perennial vegetation (Q), Soft crustose algae (R), Annual algae (S), Sparse epibenthic communities (T), No macrocommunity (U), Mixed epibenthic macrocommunity (V), Microphytobenthic organisms and grazing snails (W) have been combined to HUB level 5.
Detaljerad information över HUB-klassificeringssystemet, kan hittas i tekniska rapporten (HELCOM BSEP139): *Grupperna Emergent vegetation (A), Submerged rooted plants (B), Perennial algae (C), Aquatic moss (D), Epibenthic bivalves (E), Epibenthic cnidarians (G), Epibenthic crustaceans (I), Epibenthic sponges (J), Infaunal bivalves (L), Infaunal insect larvae (P), Stable aggregations of unattached perennial vegetation (Q), Soft crustose algae (R), Annual algae (S), Sparse epibenthic communities (T), No macrocommunity (U), Mixed epibenthic macrocommunity (V), Microphytobenthic organisms and grazing snails (W) har kombinerats på HUB-nivån 5. |
metadata-date |
2024-01-23 |
metadata-language |
fin |
metadata-responsible-party |
[{"name": "Mets\u00e4hallitus", "roles": ["pointOfContact"], "email": ""}] |
metadata-responsible-party-email | |
metadata-responsible-party-title |
Metsähallitus |
original_url |{E0001193-53A2-4CA3-B849-753621E51A69} |
progress |
resource-type |
dataset |
responsible-party |
[{"name": "Mets\u00e4hallitus", "roles": ["originator"], "email": ""}] |
responsible-party-email | |
responsible-party-title |
Metsähallitus |
spatial |
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[17.879231, 59.430502], [27.940924, 59.430502], [27.940924, 65.822629], [17.879231, 65.822629], [17.879231, 59.430502]]]} |
spatial-data-service-type |
spatial-reference-system |
["EPSG:3067"] |
spatial-representation-type |
["vector"] |
spatial_harvester |
true |
temporal-extent-begin |
unknown |
temporal-extent-end |
unknown |
topic-category |
["environment"] |
unique-resource-identifier |
use_constraints |
["Aineistoa voi tarkastella Velmu-karttapalvelussa tai rajapinnan kautta. \nThe Data set is viewable in the Velmu map service or through the interface.\nMaterialet kan granskas via Velmu-karttj\u00e4nsten eller via gr\u00e4nssnittet. \n\n\n\u00a9Mets\u00e4hallitus\n\n\u00a9 DCW\n\nL\u00e4hde: Mets\u00e4hallitus"] |
use_constraints_plaintext |
Aineistoa voi tarkastella Velmu-karttapalvelussa tai rajapinnan kautta.
The Data set is viewable in the Velmu map service or through the interface.
Materialet kan granskas via Velmu-karttjänsten eller via gränssnittet.
Lähde: Metsähallitus |