Bumblebees - complete lists

Checklist of Finnish bumblebees Bombus s.l., as well as Apis mellifera and solitary bees. One species, Bombus wurflenii, is not included since there is one Finnish record from 1926.

The list follows Finnish Environmental Agency SYKE’s bumblebee recording scheme https://www.syke.fi/hankkeet/polyhyoty

The records include complete checklists of observer trips. Observers mark down each species or taxon they have observed. The data is presence-absence or, optionally, presence-absence with abundance data. Abundance is recorded either in logarhitmic scale (0 = 0 individuals, 1 = 1-10 individuals, 2=10-100 individuals, 3=100-1000 individuals, 4=1000+ individuals) or as precise user input. Observations must include location, date and time data. Properly filled checklists should be considered to show real absences.

The list includes several aggregate taxa. The aggregates include different species that are similar and difficult to tell apart in field conditions. Aggregates are: MX.5077966 MX.5077965 MX.5077967 MX.5077970 MX.5077969 MX.5077966 MX.5077971 MX.5077968

Data och resurser

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Fält Värde
Källa https://laji.fi/theme/dataset-metadata/HR.5256
Författare Aleksi Lehikoinen
Förvaltare Aleksi Lehikoinen
Senast uppdaterad juni 19, 2024, 10:49 (UTC)
Skapad mars 1, 2024, 14:07 (UTC)
dataset-reference-date 2023-05-11T09:15:21+0300
harvest_object_id 20c776ea-0fc0-41a2-aa96-cdf6cee3d792
harvest_source_id e7228073-1d87-4b31-ae52-49858edd4125
harvest_source_title laji.fi
lineage None
metadata-date 2024-06-18T16:24:50+0300
metadata-responsible-party-email aleksi.lehikoinen@helsinki.fi
metadata-responsible-party-title Suomen Lajitietokeskus
original_url https://laji.fi/theme/dataset-metadata/HR.5256
responsible-party-email aleksi.lehikoinen@helsinki.fi
temporalCoverage 1900 -
use_constraints_plaintext MY.intellectualRightsCC-BY