
eBird Observational Dataset (EOD) accessed though GBIF. The EOD contains basic occurrence data including species, date, and location. Additional metadata associated with these observations, including sampling event data (such as effort), are not included. Observer names have been anonymized.

eBird publishes a new version of the data once per 1-2 years.

More information: https://ebird.org/science/download-ebird-data-products

Data och resurser

Det finns inga data i detta dataset

Mer information

Fält Värde
Källa https://laji.fi/theme/dataset-metadata/HR.3691
Författare Matti Sahla
Förvaltare Matti Sahla
Senast uppdaterad juni 24, 2024, 08:03 (UTC)
Skapad mars 1, 2024, 14:06 (UTC)
dataset-reference-date 2020-09-24T23:43:32+0300
harvest_object_id 2d71681f-f1dc-49a7-b38a-72db97ce23cf
harvest_source_id e7228073-1d87-4b31-ae52-49858edd4125
harvest_source_title laji.fi
lineage None
metadata-date 2024-06-19T16:21:52+0300
metadata-responsible-party-email info@laji.fi
metadata-responsible-party-title Suomen Lajitietokeskus
original_url https://laji.fi/theme/dataset-metadata/HR.3691
responsible-party-email info@laji.fi
temporalCoverage 1800-
use_constraints_plaintext MY.intellectualRightsCC0