Sentinel-1 Global Backscatter Model-mosaic - Sentinel-1 Global Backscatter Model-kuvamosaiikki

Sentinel-1 Global Backscatter Model-satellite image mosaic (S1GBM, was produced by the Remote Sensing Group of the TU Wien Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (, within project by the European Space Agency (ESA). It is based on Sentinel-1A and -1B synthetic aperture radar images ( acquired between 1.1.2016-31.12.2017. Imaging mode has been Interferometric Wide-swath (IW) and baseline processing of images GRDH (Ground-Range Detected High Resolution). The resulting mosaic provides the temporal mean of VV- and VH-polarized C-band backscatter of the Earth's land surface with 10 meter pixel size, normalized to incidence angle of 38°.

The original data set is hosted by TU Wien ( and can be accessed via the TU Data repository website (

The processing of data at Syke consists of * coordinate transformation to Finnish coordinate system (TM35Fin, EPSG 3067) * computation of polarization ratio VV/VH and scaling that to 8-bit scale by multiplying the ratio with coefficient 100 * VV- ja VH-polarized mosaics and their polarization ratio has been saved as three-band raster (bands: 1. VV-backscatter, 2. VH-backscatter, 3. polarization ratio VV/VH multiplied with coefficient 100) as 8-bit Cloud-optimized-GeoTiff.

Mosaic is published in FEO-project. It is available e.g. from the archive of Finnish Satellite Data Centre:

Sentinel-1 Global Backscatter Model-kuvamosaiikki

Sentinel-1 Global Backscatter Model-satelliittikuvamosaiikin (S1GBM, on tehnyt Wienin yliopiston Kaukokartoitusryhmä ( Euroopan avaruusjärjestön rahoituksella. S1GBM-mosaiikki perustuu Sentinel-1A ja -1B kaukokartoitussatelliittien ( tutkainstrumenttien aikavälillä 1.1.2016-31.12.2017 ottamiin kuviin. Kuvien kuvausmoodina on ollut Interferometric Wide-swath (IW) ja käytettyjen kuvien prosessointitasona GRDH (Ground-Range Detected High Resolution). Tuloksena on Maapallon maa-alueiden VV- ja VH-polarisaatioiden takaisinsironnan ajallinen keskiarvo, 10 metrin pikselikkoossa ja normalisoituna 38 asteen tulokulmaan.

Alkuperäinen S1GBM-mosaiikki on saatavilla Wienin yliopiston ( TU Data repository-arkiston kautta (

S1GBM-mosaiikki on ladattu Sykeen ja sille on tehty seuraavat toimenpiteet: * koordinaatistomuunnos Suomen koordinaatistojärjestelmään (TM35Fin, EPSG 3067), * polarisaatiosuhteen VV/VH laskenta (tulos on kerrottu kertoimella 100), ja * VV- ja VH-polarisaatioiden mosaiikit ja näiden suhde on tallennettu 3-kanavaiseksi rasterikuvaksi (kanavat: 1. VV-takaisinsironta, 2. VH-takaisinsironta, 3. polarisaatiosuhde VV/VH kerrottuna kertoimella 100) käyttäen Cloud-optimized-GeoTiff-formaattia ja 8-bittistä lukualuetta (0-255).

Mosaiikki julkaistaan FEO-hankkeessa. se on saatavilla mm. Kansallisen satelliittidatakeskuksen arkistosta:

Rights: Original data are reserved with TU Wien and ESA. Open use is granted under the CC BY 4.0 license.

References: * Bauer-Marschallinger, B., Cao, S., Navacchi, C., Freeman, V., Reuß, F., Geudtner, D., Rommen, B., Vega, F. C., Snoeij, P., Attema, E., Reimer, C., & Wagner, W. (2021). The Sentinel-1 Global Backscatter Model (S1GBM) - Mapping Earth's Land Surface with C-Band Microwaves (1.0) [Data set]. TU Wien. * Bauer-Marschallinger, B., Cao, S., Navacchi, C. et al. The normalised Sentinel-1 Global Backscatter Model, mapping Earth’s land surface with C-band microwaves. Sci Data 8, 277 (2021).

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Fält Värde
Senast uppdaterad maj 17, 2024, 11:25 (UTC)
Skapad mars 1, 2024, 13:31 (UTC)
access-constraints ["no limitations"]
bbox-east-long 36.00
bbox-north-lat 70.00
bbox-south-lat 59.00
bbox-west-long 15.00
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dataset-language ["eng"]
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2023-05-09"}]
dataset-updated 2023-05-09
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harvest_source_title ckan-syke
keywords [{"type": "", "thesaurus": "GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0", "keyword": ["Orthoimagery"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.3", "keyword": ["radar", "satellite image", "mosaic"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "SYKE resource classification", "keyword": ["Satelliittihavaintotieto"]}, {"type": "", "thesaurus": "", "keyword": ["FEO"]}]
licence []
lineage Processed by TU Wien, local modifications by Syke.
metadata-date 2024-04-23
metadata-language eng
metadata-responsible-party [{"name": "Suomen ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6keskus", "roles": ["pointOfContact"], "email": ""}]
metadata-responsible-party-title Suomen ympäristökeskus
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Suomen ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6keskus", "roles": ["pointOfContact"], "email": ""}]
responsible-party-title Suomen ympäristökeskus
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[15.0, 59.0], [36.0, 59.0], [36.0, 70.0], [15.0, 70.0], [15.0, 59.0]]]}
spatial-reference-system ["EPSG:3067"]
spatial-representation-type ["grid"]
spatial_harvester true
temporal-extent-begin 2016-01-01
temporal-extent-end 2017-12-31
topic-category ["imageryBaseMapsEarthCover"]
use_constraints ["Rights original data are reserved with TU Wien and ESA. Open use is granted under the CC BY 4.0 license.\nCreative Commons Nime\u00e4 4.0 Kansainv\u00e4linen"]
use_constraints_plaintext Rights original data are reserved with TU Wien and ESA. Open use is granted under the CC BY 4.0 license. Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen