Dragonfly - complete lists

Complete checklist of Finnish Odonata. The list includes all dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) recorded in Finland by 31.12.2022. The records include complete checklists of observer trips. Observers mark down each species or taxon they have observed. The data is presence-absence or, optionally, presence-absence with abundance data. Abundance is recorded either in logarhitmic scale (0 = 0 individuals, 1 = 1-10 individuals, 2=10-100 individuals, 3=100-1000 individuals, 4=1000+ individuals) or as precise user input. Observations must include location, date and time data.

Checklists should be considered to show real absences.

The data includes also the following aggregate taxa. The aggregate taxa represent species groups that are routinely observed in the field but cannot be reasonably identified. The reasons for non-identifiation may include difficulties in telling the species apart in normal field conditions (e.g. Aeshna hawkers) or large numbers of co-occurring similar species (e.g. Coenagrion damsels and bluets).

The aggregates are:

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://laji.fi/theme/dataset-metadata/HR.5095
Author Aleksi Lehikoinen
Maintainer Aleksi Lehikoinen
Last Updated June 19, 2024, 10:49 (UTC)
Created March 1, 2024, 14:07 (UTC)
dataset-reference-date 2023-03-07T12:12:33+0200
harvest_object_id 145d62ec-3339-4086-8436-88c622689d1f
harvest_source_id e7228073-1d87-4b31-ae52-49858edd4125
harvest_source_title laji.fi
lineage None
metadata-date 2024-06-18T16:26:54+0300
metadata-responsible-party-email aleksi.lehikoinen@helsinki.fi
metadata-responsible-party-title Suomen Lajitietokeskus
original_url https://laji.fi/theme/dataset-metadata/HR.5095
responsible-party-email aleksi.lehikoinen@helsinki.fi
temporalCoverage 1900-
use_constraints_plaintext MY.intellectualRightsCC-BY